our policies

COVID-19 Risk Assessment for Little Hoots Ltd     PRE-SCHOOL                Updated:  16.08.2020


Decide appropriate control measures for managers and employees to implement under a ‘Plan’, ‘Do’, ‘Review’ cycle.

*The preventative measures in this risk assessment are not mandatory but are provided as guidance on reducing the risk of transmission. Each school/setting must consider their own situation and adapt the assessment by editing the measures where appropriate.  Remove any measures that are not relevant or will not be applied in your setting and add any additional local measures that you are implementing.

Who may be at risk:  Employees, pupils and young people, families (parents, carers and siblings), visitors, contractors, members of public.

Vulnerable groups – this risk assessment considers vulnerable groups which the NHS lists as ‘people at high risk (clinically extremely vulnerable)’; and ‘people at moderate risk (clinically vulnerable)’.  An individual risk assessment may be appropriate for vulnerable employees plus BAME and those who are very anxious about returning to their workplace.




Prepare Building

Prepare Employees and Parents and pupils

Control Access

Implementing Social Distancing

Implement Infection Control Measures

Communicate and Review Arrangements

·         Ensure that all health and safety compliance checks have been undertaken before opening (e.g. fire alarm, emergency lighting, water hygiene, lifts, etc.).

·         Ventilation  - open windows whilst on site

·         COVID-19 posters/ signage displayed

·         Modify Litlle Hoots early years entrance to maintain social distancing providing floor markings and posters.

·         Consider one-way system if possible for circulation around the building. Provide a main pathway with zones coming offthat pathway.

·         Put down floor markings along to allocate zones.

·         In areas where queues may form, put down floor markings to indicate distancing.

·         Identify doors that can be propped open (to limit use of door handles and aid ventilation) taking account of fire safety and safeguarding.  Seek advice from SHE if necessary.


·         Identify The Sunny Room as the only room that can be accessed directly from outside

·         Organise rooms for maintaining space by creating zones.

·         Inspect zones and remove unnecessary items.

·         Remove some soft furnishings and toys that are hard to clean. Wash covers frequently.

·         In toilets, supervised limited access at all times. Staggered entry.

·         Put up laminated picture signs in toilets and classrooms in front of sinks showing handwashing.

·         Set up two new ‘Snuffle Stations’ for noses and hands.


·         All staff to incorporate rotational additional cleaning and agree inclusive hours to allow for this.


·         All zones to have Covid 19 safety box

·         All new Covid 19 access folder for staff information

·         Involve employees in plans to return to school/early years settings and listen to any suggestions on preventative measures that can be taken. Regular staff meetings and updates.

·         Vulnerable employees and pupils/children (‘clinically vulnerable’ to coronavirus) identified and told not to attend school/early years settings if shielding.

·         Consider personal risk factors: age, obesity, pregnancy, existing health conditions and ethnicity.

·         Where necessary individual risk assessments for employees and pupils/children at special risk (take account of medical advice).

·         Review EHCPs where required.

·         Regular communications that those who have coronavirus symptoms, or who have someone in their household who does, are not to attend school/early years settings.

·         Information shared about testing available for those with symptoms.

·         Remote education is continuing as much as possible to limit numbers attending school/early years settings. Website updates through Little Hoots FB page.


·         Employees shielding at home manage online work, whilst those in school /early years settings only teach.

·         Returning to school will be for groups on a priority basis (early years settings - 3 and 4 year olds.

·         Keyworkers and vulnerable children are our priority foremost.

·         If shortage of staff, managers will cover groups.

·         Reviewing timetables to decide which lessons or activities will be delivered on what days.  All zones will be planned for, areas of the EYFS will continue to be covered.

·         Smaller colour groups are to be identified and zoned with the same adult supervising, unless staff shortages.

·         For early years’ settings, the employees to child ratios within Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) will determine groups of pupils.

·         Identify and plan lessons/activities that could take place outdoors.

·         Use the timetable to reduce movement around the preschool or building.

·         Planning break times (including lunch), so that all pupils/children are not moving around the preschool at the same time. Each colour group to be in a given zone.

·         Communicate to parents on the preventative measures being taken (e.g. post risk assessment on early years settings website).

·         Parents informed only one parent to accompany child to early years setting.

·         Parents and pupils/children encouraged to walk or cycle where possible.

·         Staggered drop-off and collection times planned and communicated to parents. 9- 9.30 entry.  2.30-3 pickup.

·         Made clear to parents that they cannot gather at entrance gates or doors.

·         Encourage parents to phone Little Hoots if they wish to discuss their child (to avoid face to face meetings).

·         Discourage parents and pupils/children from bringing in toys and other play items from home.  Book bags and spare clothes to stay on site and will be returned at the end of term.

·         Gentle reminders about rules on zones and hygiene. Review behaviour policies to consider how pupils/children not following distancing rules will be managed. Parents will be reminded to keep to the 2metre distancing rule.

·         Employees fully briefed about the plans and protective measures identified in the risk assessment.

·         Regular (daily) staff briefings.

·         Keeping in touch with off-site workers on their working arrangements including their welfare, mental and physical health and personal security.

·         Communication with contractors and suppliers that will need to prepare to support plans for opening (e.g. cleaning, catering, food supplies, hygiene suppliers).  All food deliveries to abide by rules.

·         Communication with others (e.g. extended school provision, lettings, regular visitors, etc.)

·         Limit visitors by exception (e.g. for priority contractors, emergencies etc.).

·         Keep parent appointments / external meetings on a ‘virtual platform.’e,g the telephone or FB page.

·         Entry points to Little Hoots to be controlled (including deliveries).  Signage and tape to be positioned.  Preschool parents to abide by school rules on entry, to line up two metres apart and not to hover.  One parent only.

·         Building access rules clearly communicated through signage on entrances.

·         Parents’ drop-off and pick-up protocols to minimise contact.

·         Little Hoots start times staggered so children/class groups arrive at different times, between 9am and 9.30 and 2.30 -  3pm.

·         Wall markings outside Little Hoots  to indicate distancing rules (if queuing during peak times).

·         Hand sanitiser provided at all entrances for children and staff..

·         Staff on duty outside Little Hoots to monitor protection measures.

·         All notices on outside blackboard to be updated for means of communication.

·         Staff will continue to pick up and care for distressed children, these children will need to be consoled during these times.  A call will be made to parents to provide comfort to re-assure that their child is settled.

·         Safe distancing of staff and colour groups will be adopted so far as is reasonably practicable but it is acknowledged that this is not always possible in early years settings.  However, all the measures in this assessment are aimed at reducing transmission risk.   

·         Reduced class sizes or children numbers. A maximum of 16 per colour group keeping in staff/pupil ratios on the whole site.

·         Children/Class groups kept together throughout the day and do not mix with other groups. Early years settings may use Key Persons groups to do this.

·         Groups may meet but keep separation in zones. whole group e.g. story time etc.

·         The number of pupils/children in shared spaces (e.g. halls, dining areas and internal and external sports facilities) for lunch and exercise is limited to specific group(s) through the implementation of zoned areas.

·         No whole group celebrations, including sports day, Leaver’s celebration or end of year party.

·         All ‘Stay and Play’ sessions and ‘Popalong’ days to be cancelled.

·         Separate spaces for each group clearly indicated in shared spaces (e.g. barriers or floor markings).

·         Snack and Lunch to be distributed in zones.

·         Limiting the number of pupils/children who use the toilet facilities at one time.

·         Groups use the same zones/area of a setting throughout the day on a rotational basis and cleaned in between usage.

·         The same Key Worker and other staff are assigned to each group and, as far as possible, these stay the same.

·         Members of staff to move around their zones with their group.

·         Rooms accessed directly from outside where possible.  This is the Sunny Room and zone 5 only.

·         The occupancy of the office is  limited to 3 adults at any one time. Wash up and dry own eating utensils. Clean the microwave after use.

·         Etra staff space created in the Rainbow Room for staff.

·         Sufficient handwashing facilities are available.

·         Where there is no sink, hand sanitiser provided in zones, entrances and outdoor spaces. Also ‘Snuffle Stations’.

·         Frequent hand washing encouraged for adults and pupils/children(following guidance on hand cleaning).

·         Hands cleaned on arrival at Little Hoots. This is hand gel at door and washing hands before and after eating, and after sneezing, coughing or blowing nose.

·         Young pupils/children encouraged to learn and practise good hygiene habits through games, songs and repetition. New ‘Sniffle Posts’. Posters to encourage good practice.

·         Staff help is available for pupils/children who have trouble cleaning their hands independently.

·         Adults and pupils/children are encouraged not to touch their mouth, eyes and nose.

·         Be vigilant of children putting items in their mouths etc. and make sure these are dealt with immediately.

·         Adults and children encouraged to use a tissue or elbow to cough or sneeze and use bins for tissue waste (‘catch it, bin it, kill it’)

·         Bins for tissues provided and are emptied at the end of each day.

·         Spaces well ventilated using natural ventilation (opening windows).

·         Doors propped open, where safe to do so to limit use of door handles. Ensure closed when premises unoccupied.

·         Sanitising spray, anti bac wipes and paper towels to be provided in classrooms for use by members of staff.

·         Thorough cleaning of rooms at the end of the day.

·         Shared materials and surfaces cleaned and disinfected frequently (e.g. toys, books, desks, chairs, doors, sinks, toilets, light switches, bannisters, phones etc.).

·         Toys and play equipment appropriately cleaned between groups of children using it.

·         Equipment used in practical lessons cleaned thoroughly between groups. Regular use of Milton fluid to sterilise toys.

·         Outdoor equipment used by the same groups or if rotated, cleaned.

·         Outdoor equipment appropriately cleaned between groups of pupils/children; 

·         Multiple groups do not use outdoor equipment simultaneously. No use of sand, shaving foam, playdough.

·         Limit shared resources being taken home.  No bookbags to be taken home or toys brought in.  All change of clothes to stay on site.

·         Avoid sharing books and other materials.

·         Nothing to be brought in from home except a lunch, a coat and drink.

·         All lunches to be placed on zoned coloured trolley.

·         Procedures should someone become unwell whilst attending Little Hoots. Covid 19 Action Plan to be implemented and made visual.

·         Staff providing close hands-on contact with pupils/children need to increase their level of self-protection, such as minimising close contact and having more frequent hand-washing and other hygiene measures, and regular cleaning of surfaces.



Wearing a face covering or face mask in schools or other education settings is not recommended by PHE. 

The majority of employees in education settings will not require PPE beyond what they would normally need for their work (determined by existing risk assessment), even if they are not always able to maintain a distance of 2 metres from others.  PPE is only needed in a very small number of cases including:

·         Pupils/children whose care routinely already involves the use of PPE due to their intimate care needs should continue to receive their care in the same way;

·         if a pupil/child becomes unwell with symptoms of coronavirus while in their setting and needs direct personal care until they can return home.


Employees providing first aid to pupils/children will not be expected to maintain 2m distance.  The following measures will be adopted:

·         washing hands or using hand sanitiser, before and after treating injured person;

·         wear gloves or cover hands when dealing with open wounds;

·         if CPR is required on an adult, attempt compression only CPR and early defibrillation until the ambulance arrives;

·         if CPR is required on a child, use a resuscitation face shield if available to perform mouth-to-mouth ventilation in asphyxial arrest.

·         dispose of all waste safely.


Should employees have close hands-on contact they should monitor themselves for symptoms of possible COVID-19 over the following 14 days.

·         Consultation with employees with regular updates.  Staff meetings to be attended when requested.  Daily updates.

·         Risk assessment published on schoolearly years settings  internet and/or website.

·         All employees tasked to monitoring protection measures.

·         Employees encouraged to report any non compliance.

·         The effectiveness of prevention measures will be monitored by school /early years settings leaders.

·         This risk assessment will be reviewed if the risk level changes and/or in light of updated guidance.

·         Follow Action Plan 08.2020 if suspected case of COVID 19.